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Breaking Up Monotony At Corporate Events: Three Live Entertainment Ideas To Consider

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Whether you are hosting a corporate training meeting or an annual conference, you'll want to find ways to keep your attendees engaged and eager to listen. Providing frequent breaks for entertainment can help to bring excitement and fun to your corporate event. Here are just some of the many live entertainment options you may want to consider.

Belly Dancer

Belly dancers can help to capture everyone's attention and offer a fun way to break between sessions at your corporate event. Belly dancers typically offer a range of entertainment options, from traditional dance to performing with unique props, such as swords. You can opt to have the belly dancer (or dancers) you hire simply perform a routine, or you can go for more interactive performance. Some belly dancers will take members from the audience on stage to learn a few moves, which can get everyone in the audience paying attention.


You can take the audience participation idea one step further with a magician. Some magicians may bring assistants with them on stage, but they still often ask for volunteers from the audience. Consider placing decks of cards underneath everyone's chair, and ask the magician to demonstrate one card trick without giving away too many trade secrets. You can then have your attendees attempt the card trick on their own and see who can get it right.

Stand-Up Comedian

Stand-up comedians offer a great break from the monotony of corporate training or conferences, and they will sometimes even tailor their routine to fit the theme of your business or event. Work with a local entertainment company to hire a comedian for your event, or consider scouting talent on your own at local open mic performances. You just might come across an up-and-coming comedian who is perfect for your corporate event. Be sure to discuss ground rules, such as whether or not you wish to permit profanity, as this will help the comedian to determine which jokes to tell. It will also help to keep your guests happy and comfortable.

If you are hiring a videographer for your conference or event, have him or her record the performances as well. You can share clips from the audience participation portion with the people who got up on stage, and you can also show the video to any employees who weren't able to attend so they can get in on the fun too. Consider one or all of these options for your next event, and get your guests excited about your next corporate conference or training session.
